
发布时间:   来源:CSDN  

A new feature in Windows Media Player 12, which is included with Windows 7, is being able to stream media over the web to other Windows 7 computers.  Today we will take a look at how to set it up and what you need to begin.

Windows 7随附的Windows Media Player 12中的一项新功能是能够通过网络将媒体流传输到其他Windows 7计算机。 今天,我们将研究如何设置它以及您需要开始什么。


Note: You will need to perform this process on each computer that you want to use.


What You’ll Need


Two computers running Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate. The host, or home computer that you will be streaming the media from, cannot be on a public network or part of domain. 两台运行Windows 7 Home Premium,Professional或Ultimate的计算机。 您要从中流式传输媒体的主机或家用计算机不能位于公共网络或域的一部分上。 Windows Live ID Windows Live ID UPnP or Port Forwarding enabled on your home router 在家用路由器上启用了UPnP或端口转发 Media files added to your Windows Media Player library 媒体文件已添加到Windows Media Player库中

Windows Live ID

Windows Live ID

Sign up online for a Windows Live ID if you do not already have one. See the link below for a link to Windows Live.

如果还没有Windows Live ID,请在线注册。 有关Windows Live的链接,请参见下面的链接。

Configuring the Windows 7 Computers

配置Windows 7计算机

Open Windows Media Player and go to the library section. Click on Streamand then “Allow Internet access to home media.”

打开Windows Media Player,然后转到库部分。 单击流,然后单击“允许Internet访问家庭媒体”。

The Internet Home Media Access pop up window will prompt you to link your Windows Live ID to a user account. Click “Link an online ID.”

Internet Home Media Access弹出窗口将提示您将Windows Live ID链接到用户帐户。 点击“链接在线ID”。

If you haven’t already installed the Windows Live ID Sign-In Assistant, you will be taken to Microsoft’s website and prompted to download it.

如果尚未安装Windows Live ID登录助手,则会将您带到Microsoft的网站并提示您下载它。

Once you have completed the Windows Live download assistant install, you will see Windows Live ID online provider appear in the “Link Online IDs” window. Click on “Link Online ID.”

完成Windows Live下载助手的安装后,您将看到Windows Live ID在线提供程序出现在“链接在线ID”窗口中。 点击“链接在线ID”。

Next, you’ll be prompted for a Windows Live ID and password. Enter your Windows Live ID and password and click “Sign In.”

接下来,将提示您输入Windows Live ID和密码。 输入您的Windows Live ID和密码,然后单击“登录”。

A pop up window will notify you that you have successfully allowed Internet access to home media.


Now, you will have to repeat the exact same configuration on the 2nd Windows 7 computer. Once you have completed the same configuration on your 2nd computer, you might also need to configure your home router for port forwarding.

现在,您将必须在第二台Windows 7计算机上重复完全相同的配置。 在第二台计算机上完成相同的配置后,您可能还需要配置家用路由器以进行端口转发。

If your router supports UPnP, you may not need to manually forward any ports on your router. So, this would be a good time to test your connection. Go to a nearby hotspot, or perhaps a neighbor’s house, and test to see if you can stream your media. If not, you’ll need to manually forward the ports. You can always choose to forward the ports anyway, just in case.

如果您的路由器支持UPnP,则可能不需要手动转发路由器上的任何端口。 因此,这将是测试连接的好时机。 前往附近的热点地区或邻居的房子,然后测试是否可以流式传输媒体。 如果不是,则需要手动转发端口。 您始终可以选择转发端口,以防万一。

Note: We tested on a Linksys WRT54GL router, which supports UPnP, and found we still needed to manually forward the ports.

注意:我们在支持UPnP的Linksys WRT54GL路由器上进行了测试,发现仍然需要手动转发端口。

Finding the ports to forward on the router


Open Windows Media Player and make sure you are in Library view. Click on “Stream” on the top menu, and select “Allow Internet access to home media.”

打开Windows Media Player,并确保您处于“库”视图。 单击顶部菜单上的“流”,然后选择“允许Internet访问家庭媒体”。

On the “Internet Home Media Access” window, click on “Diagnose connections.”

在“ Internet家庭媒体访问”窗口上,单击“诊断连接”。

The “Internet Streaming Diagnostic Tool” will pop up. Click on “Port forwarding information” near the bottom.

将会弹出“ Internet流诊断工具”。 单击底部附近的“端口转发信息”。

On the “Port Forwarding Information” window you will find both the Internal and External Port numbers you will need to forward on your router. The Internal port number should always be 10245. The external number will be different depending on your computer. Microsoft also recommends forwarding port 443.

在“端口转发信息”窗口上,您将找到需要在路由器上转发的内部和外部端口号。 内部端口号应始终为10245。外部端口号将因计算机而异。 Microsoft还建议转发端口443。

Configuring the Router


Next, you’ll need to configure Port Forwarding on your home router. We will show you the steps for a Linksys WRT54GL router, however, the steps for port forwarding will vary from router to router.

接下来,您需要在家用路由器上配置端口转发。 我们将向您展示Linksys WRT54GL路由器的步骤,但是,端口转发的步骤因路由器而异。

On the Linksys configuration page, click on the Administration Tab along the top, click the “Applications & Gaming Tab, and then the “Port Range Forward” tab below it.


Under “Application,” type in a name. It can be any name you choose. In both the “Start” and “End” boxes, type the port number. Enter the IP address of your home computer in the IP address column. Click the check box under “Enable.” Do this for both the internal and external port numbers and port 443. When finished, click the “Save Settings” button.

在“应用程序”下,输入名称。 它可以是您选择的任何名称。 在“开始”和“结束”框中,键入端口号。 在“ IP地址”列中输入家用计算机的IP地址。 点击“启用”下的复选框。 对内部和外部端口号以及端口443都执行此操作。完成后,单击“保存设置”按钮。

Note: It’s highly recommended that you configure your home computer with a static IP address


When you’re ready to play your media over the Internet, open up Windows Media Player and look for your host computer and username listed under “Other Libraries.” Click on it expand the list to see your media libraries. Choose a library and a file to play.

当您准备通过Internet播放媒体时,请打开Windows Media Player并查找“其他库”下列出的主机和用户名。 单击它,展开列表以查看您的媒体库。 选择一个库和一个文件播放。

Now you can enjoy your streaming media over the Internet.




We found media streaming over the Internet to work fairly well. However, we did see a loss of quality with streaming video. Also, Recorded TV .wtv and dvr-ms files did not play at all.

我们发现Internet上的媒体流效果很好。 但是,我们确实看到流视频质量下降。 另外,录制的TV .wtv和dvr-ms文件根本不播放。

Check out our previous article to see how to stream media share and stream media between Windows 7 computers on your home network.

请查看我们以前的文章,以了解如何在家庭网络上的Windows 7计算机之间流媒体共享和流媒体。

